Solar Thermal
Solar Thermal systems work on a very simple principle; if you lay something out in the sun, it gets hot. With that basic concept, you can then design and engineer elaborate systems that harvest the sun's heat and transfer it to an area of need. The most common use is heating water. The environmental benefit comes from reduced demands on fossil-fuel based hot water heaters. By preheating supply water with sunlight, there is less work to do by traditional, carbon based fuels (electric, natural gas or steam) to bring the water up to the desired temperature.
Appalachian State currently has six Solar Thermal systems producing hot water on campus

Name: Summit Hall Solar Thermal System
Location: 240 Locust Street Boone
Installation: 2012
Nameplate Capacity: 363,000 BTU/Hr
Funding Source: REI
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The Story: Ten-story Summit Hall is the tallest building on campus and is expected to achieve LEED® Gold designation because of its sustainable construction. Summit Residence Hall hosts a commercial scale solar thermal system. This system preheats water used by the 330 students living in Summit Residence Hall.

Name: Reich College of Education Solar Thermal System
Location: 151 College Street Boone, NC (on the roof of the Reich College of Education Building)
Installation: 2011
Nameplate Capacity: 5,000 BTU/hour
Funding Source:
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The Story: Our newest solar thermal system on campus, this relatively small solar thermal system uses just four panels for preheating the hot water needs of the College of Education restrooms. The Reich College of Education Building has received a LEED Silver certification. This system has web-based monitoring that provides real time production data that is availble by clicking the "Real-Time Data" button below.

Name: Biofuels Facility Solar Thermal System
Location: 161 Ayers Lane Boone, NC. On the grounds of ASU Physical Plant complex
Installation: 2005
Average Yearly Production: TBD
Funding Source: REI/EPA grant
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The Story: The Collaborative Biodiesel Project is a student-led initiative at Appalachian State University and was funded by the EPA P3 Award: Student Design Competition for Sustainability and the ASU Renewable Energy Initiative (ASUREI). This facility researches ways to close the loop in biodiesel manufacturing. Students and staff at Appalachian State's Technology Department installed this grid-tied system in 2007. This relatively small, four-panel solar thermal system provides process heat used for the production of biodiesel. When the sun is shining, this system can provide virtually all heat energy needed to make biofuel.

Name: Plemmons Student Union Solar Thermal System
Location: 263 Locust Street, Boone
Installation: 2009
Nameplate Capacity: 47,425 BTU/Hr
Funding Source: REI
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The Story: Plemmons hosts the first large scale solar thermal system installed on campus and served as a pilot for commercial scale domestic hot water solar thermal systems to both the High Country and the University. The logistically complex, 35-panel drainback system preheats water used in the Plemmons Student Union restrooms, the Mt. Mitchell Life Fitness Center locker rooms, and the building's food service areas.

Name: Varsity Gym Solar Thermal System
Location: 530 Rivers Street Boone
Installation: 2010
Nameplate Capacity: 11,850 BTU/Hr
Funding Source: Appalachian State Physical Plant
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The Story: The Varsity Gymnasium solar thermal system was the second renewable energy system installed on campus without the financial support of the ASU Renewable Energy Initiative. The 12-panel system provides heating for the domestic hot water system for Varsity Gym's restrooms and locker rooms.

Name: Blackburn Vannoy Farm Solar Thermal
Location: 608 Water Tank Road, Fleetwood NC
Installation: 2012
Nameplate Capacity: 25,680 BTU/day
Funding Source: REI
Click here for more details.
The Story: The Sustainable Development Teaching and Research Farm is a student and faculty-powered operation that offers students an opportunity to immerse themselves into a living lab. The goal of the SD Farm is to become a multi-purpose, integrated farming system that produces healthy food, fiber, and other raw materials that can be cultivated successfully on a small scale. When conditions are favorable, the hot water needs of the farm's daily operation are met by a 30-unit evacuated tube solar thermal system mounted on the roof of the house. Like the PV systems at the farm, the ST system was installed by graduate students from Appalachian State University in the spring of 2012.